Over the past few months I've mostly been blogging at a number of other venues. These include:
A piece with Mark Hallerberg in Democracy Audit UK summarising our research on how, despite previous findings, democratic governments run similarly sizable bank bailout tabs as autocracies. This wasn't noticed in previous work, because democratic governments have incentives (possiblilty of losing elections) to shift the realisation of these costs into the future.
A post over at Bruegel introducing the Financial Supervisory Transparency Index that Mark Copelovitch, Mark Hallerberg, and I created. We also discuss supervisory transparency's implications for a European capital markets union.
At VoxUkraine, I discuss the causes and possible solutions to brawling in the Ukranian parliament based on my recent research in the Journal of Peace Research.
I didn't write this one, but my co-author Tom Pepinsky, wrote a nice piece about a new working paper we have on the (difficulty) of predicting financial crises.