Update (10 March 2013): FillIn
is now part of the budding DataCombine package.
Sometimes I want to use R to fill in values that are missing in one data frame with values from another. For example, I have data from the World Bank on government deficits. However, there are some country-years with missing data. I gathered data from Eurostat on deficits and want to use this data to fill in some of the values that are missing from my World Bank data.
Doing this is kind of a pain so I created a function that would do it for me. It's called FillIn
An Example
Here is an example using some fake data. (This example and part of the function was inspired by a Stack Exchange conversation between JD Long and Josh O'Brien.)
First let's make two data frames: one with missing values in a variable called fNA
. And a data frame with a more complete variable called fFull
# Create data set with missing values
naDF <- data.frame(a = sample(c(1,2), 100, rep=TRUE),
b = sample(c(3,4), 100, rep=TRUE),
fNA = sample(c(100, 200, 300, 400, NA), 100, rep=TRUE))
# Created full data set
fillDF <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,1,2),
b = c(3,3,4,4),
fFull = c(100, 200, 300, 400))
Now we just enter some information into FillIn
about what the data set names are, what variables we want to fill in, and what variables to join the data sets on.
# Fill in missing f's from naDF with values from fillDF
FilledInData <- FillIn(D1 = naDF, D2 = fillDF,
Var1 = "fNA", Var2 = "fFull", KeyVar = c("a", "b"))
## [1] "16 NAs were replaced." ## [1] "The correlation between fNA and fFull is 0.313"
and Var1
are for the data frame and variables you want to fill in. D2
and Var2
are what you want to use to fill them in with. KeyVar
specifies what variables you want to use to joint the two data frames.
lets you know how many missing values it is filling in and what the correlation coefficient is between the two variables you are using. Depending on your missing data issues, this could be an indicator of whether or not Var2
is an appropriate substitute for Var1
is currently available as a GitHub Gist and can be installed with this code:
You will need the devtools package to install it. For it to work properly you will also need the data.table package.
The Full Code
#' An R function for filling in missing values of a variable from one data frame with the values from another variable. | |
#' | |
#' \code{FillIn} uses values of a variable from one data set to fill in missing values in another. | |
#' | |
#' @param D1 the data frame with the variable you would like to fill in. | |
#' @param D2 the data frame with the variable you would like to use to fill in \code{D1}. | |
#' @param Var1 a character string of the name of the variable in \code{D1} you want to fill in. | |
#' @param Var2 an optional character string of variable name in \code{D2} that you would like to use to fill in. | |
#' @param KeyVar a character vector of variable names that are shared by \code{D1} and \code{D2} that can be used to join the data frames. | |
#' | |
#' @examples | |
#' # Create data set with missing values | |
#' naDF <- data.frame(a = sample(c(1,2), 100, rep=TRUE), | |
#' b = sample(c(3,4), 100, rep=TRUE), | |
#' fNA = sample(c(100, 200, 300, 400, NA), 100, rep=TRUE)) | |
#' | |
#' # Created full data set | |
#' fillDF <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,1,2), | |
#' b = c(3,3,4,4), | |
#' fFull = c(100, 200, 300, 400)) | |
#' | |
#' # Fill in missing f's from naDF with values from fillDF | |
#' FilledInData <- FillIn(naDF, fillDF, Var1 = "fNA", Var2 = "fFull", KeyVar = c("a", "b")) | |
#' | |
FillIn <- function(D1, D2, Var1, Var2 = NULL, KeyVar = c("iso2c", "year")) | |
{ | |
# Give Var2 the same name as var1 if Var2 is NULL | |
if (is.null(Var2)){ | |
Var2 <- Var1 | |
} else { | |
Var2 <- Var2 | |
} | |
# Give var a generic name | |
names(D1)[match(Var1, names(D1))] <- "VarGen" | |
names(D2)[match(Var2, names(D2))] <- "VarGen.1" | |
# Convert data frames to data.table type objects | |
D1Temp <- data.table::data.table(D1, key = KeyVar) | |
D2Temp <- data.table::data.table(D2, key = KeyVar) | |
# Merge data.tables | |
OutDT <- D2Temp[D1Temp] | |
# Tell the user how many values will be filled in | |
SubNA <- OutDT[, list(VarGen, VarGen.1)] | |
SubNA <- subset(SubNA, is.na(VarGen) & !is.na(VarGen.1)) | |
print(paste(nrow(SubNA), "NAs were replaced.")) | |
# Fill in missing values from D1 with values from D2 | |
OutDT <- OutDT[is.na(VarGen), VarGen := VarGen.1] | |
# Convert back to data frame | |
OutDF <- data.frame(OutDT) | |
# Tell the user what the correlation coefficient is between the variables | |
SubNoNA <- subset(OutDF, !is.na(VarGen) & !is.na(VarGen.1)) | |
HowMany <- nrow(SubNoNA) | |
CORR <- cor(SubNoNA$VarGen, SubNoNA$VarGen.1, use = "complete.obs") | |
print(paste("The correlation between", Var1, "and", Var2, "is", round(CORR, digits = 3), "based on", HowMany, "shared observations." )) | |
# Remove uncombined variable and return main variable's name | |
names(OutDF)[match("VarGen", names(OutDF))] <- Var1 | |
Keepers <- setdiff(names(OutDF), "VarGen.1") | |
OutDF <- OutDF[, Keepers] | |
OutDF | |
} |