There has been some interest in the recent release of RStudio 0.96 and especially the ability to use combine its knitr
Markdown functionality with Pandoc to integrate R and a variety of different documents types.
I just wanted to add two quick things (one mostly aspirational, the other useful)
Aspirational: Markdown/Ruby/deck.js
I am currently using this combination to put together a presentation based on a recent working paper. Maybe out of procrastination I decided to see if there was any way to use knitr
/Markdown to write a deck.js presentation. I generally prefer deck.js to the three Pandoc HTML presentation types (slidy, S5, and dzslides).
Deck.js presentations are a pain to write, so it would be great if there was a program like Pandoc that could quickly convert a Markdown file into a deck.js presentation.
I discovered that there kind of is. There is a ruby program called deck.rb. The Markdown syntax is really simple and would be familiar to Pandoc users (individual slides are demarcated with the first level header #
After you install deck.rb in the terminal with the usual:
sudo gem install deckrb
you can easily build presentations in the command line with:
However, I’ve classified this as aspirational since it lacks a lot of functionality that Pandoc has, including:
There really aren’t title slides.
The slideshow opens as a locally hosted webserver, and the command to build a stand alone HTML presentation doesn’t seem to work that well (hence no example included with this post).
It only allows you to use the Swiss template.
I couldn’t figure out how to easily get MathJax support to display equations.
Maybe I won’t use use deck.rb for this presentation, but I will keep an eye on any developments.
Useful Tip: Command Line/Go2Shell
Since I’m on about the terminal and command line, I thought I might mention a small (free) program that is very helpful: Go2Shell. It is a little Mac application that only opens a new terminal window from the folder that you currently have open.
Very useful for easily setting your terminal working directory when, for example, making Pandoc presentations.
And thanks for putting together knitr!
Any idea on how to implement the last one? I'm using RedCarpet with markdown extensions; maybe there's one for equations, or maybe we can roll our own.