I came across this piece on The Atlantic website by Eamonn Fingleton arguing that Japan's two decade long stagnation is largely a myth. I'm not willing, just yet, to completely go along with his thesis that this myth has been stoked by the Japanese Government to ease political pressure on their export-oriented economic model. (It would certainly be interesting if it were true. It is definitely the case that Japanese companies have become adept at dealing with potential US political pressure, e.g. assembling cars in the US.) However, as a semi-regular visitor to Japan I do find it hard to completely believe the stagnation story. The place just seems so clean and vibrant. If Japan is stagnating, then American cities like Detroit would do well to 'stagnate' also. Anyways, beyond the interesting stats on Japanese trade growth and the improvement in living standards since the 1980s in Eamonn's piece, I've been sceptical of the stagnation story based on official...