I've wanted to create timeline maps with interactive googleVis Geomaps for a while. These would be a nice way to quickly show the spatial distribution of some data over time. It turns out that it's pretty easy to do with a plugin for Twitter Bootstrap called Carousel . Carousel is probably intended for regular picture slide shows. But because it can hold iframes, it can pretty much include anything, even interactive maps. Here is a short slide show with examples and code for how to combine googleVis and Twitter Bootstrap Carousel to create interactive timeline maps. Note: I used the newest version (0.3.1) of Ramnath Vaidyanathan's Slidify to create the presentation. He is really putting a lot of good work into that package. I especially like the choice to set the default slide framework to Google's I/O 2012 style. It has many features you don't find in other HTML slide frameworks. Particularly useful here, it begins to load iframes when you are on the ...