I just noticed that Markus Gesmann has a nice post on using RStudio , knitr , Pandoc , and Slidy to create slideshows. After my recent attempt to use deck.rb to turn a Markdown / knitr file into a deck.js presentation I caved in and also decided to go with Pandoc and Slidy . For me, Slidy produced the cleanest slides of the three formats that Pandoc supports. The presentation is here and the source is here . The only thing I really disliked was having to use <br /> or something similar to keep the text from bunching up at the top of the slides, which looked strange when projected onto a screen. You can customise Slidy CSS files, but I haven’t got around to that yet. In this post I don’t want to duplicate what Markus Gesmann has already done. Instead, I wanted to mention two things that I noticed/thought about while making my presentation: The new MathJax syntax implemented in RStudio 0.96.227 doesn’t seem to work with Pandoc. It just renders la...